Able, Gifted & Talented
Supporting More Able Pupils
In every school there will be more able pupils, these are children who show a particular skill or aptitude in one or more curriculum subject. At English Martyrs', our Headteacher leads on ensuring all our more able, gifted & talented children are extended and stretched to reach their full potential. We expect all our teachers to have high expectations for pupils in their class and offer challenging work in all lessons. Our class structures allows children to sometimes work in ability groups and in other lessons work in mixed ability groups.
We define a more able child as any child who is attaining above their 'Age Related Expectations' this means they are doing better than the National Curriculum for their age dictates. Higher attaining pupils will be predominately supported by their class teachers, however we have listed below some additional enrichment activities we offer at English Martyrs' to ensure all our children are challenged to meet their full potential.
Additional Enrichment Provision for more able pupils
Nursery, Reception & Year 1 - children are predominantly supported in class through extension work offered by class teachers
Years 2, 3, & 4 - additional English and Maths challenges and problem solving tasks
Years 5 & 6 - liaison with local feeder high school Corpus Christi and Young Scientist Centre at UCLan; completion of LCC Fantastic Book Awards for more able readers, weekly sessions with Headteacher
Year 6 - additional weekly Maths, Reading & Writing sessions for AGT focussing on higher standard questioning, enquiry and reasoning and inference;
All years - continuous additional investigation and enquiry work
Additional Enrichment Provision for Talented pupils
Team Sports Coaching by PE specialist teacher (children across the school)
Signposting and use of outside agencies to broaden children's talents as required and appropriate (children across the school)
If you think your child is more able and have questions about our provision please don't hesitate to contact Mrs Howarth (Headteacher and AGT Lead) at