Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
The Year 5 team consists of Mr Bridge and Mrs Turner.
What a great start! We have been impressed by the attitude of our Year 5 class so far and can't wait to make great progress this year.This is my second year at English Marytrs'and so the children are familiar with me and my expectations. Please keep checking our pages regularly to see what we have been up to!
Our themes will change half termly and our Science, Art, DT, History, Geography and Computing will be taught through our cross curricular theme.
English, Maths, Handwriting, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar are taught daily.
Banded books will be changed as and when required, these books will be at the level your child is reading at. You can help your child by reading with them and asking them about what is happening in the book. Listening to your child read is really important and makes a massive difference to their progress.
Please practice times tables and mental calculations at home with your child, this will help them as your child progresses in their mathematical learning.
Our PE days are Thursday mornings - please make sure your child has their white P.E t-shirt, shorts and black pumps for this.
Golden time is on a Friday afternoon.
Homework will go home on a Wednesday and is due back the following Wednesday. This will be in their homework folder. Homework will alternate between 'my maths' and online maths home work task and a comprehension task.
Children need to have their reading bags in school everyday. It is important you read with your child daily and sign their reading diary.
Spellings will run Friday to Friday and the children have been given lovely new books to help them learn the words.
I would like to thank you for your continued support and look forward to teaching your child over the year.
If there is anything that you would like to ask or any concerns you may have, please don't hesitate to see Mr Bridge after school.
It's going to be a great year!