Year 3
Year 3 Home Learning
Weekly updates and home learning tasks can be found by clicking the
'Summer Term Home Learning' pencil and 'Messages from Mrs Sworeń'below.
Please complete the weekly home learning tasks and email me your work.
You can email me photographs of your work and send me little messages to
Stay safe and keep smiling,
Mrs Sworeń
Useful Website for Home Learning
Home Learning Videos and Presentations
Arwa's Lockdown Rap!
Spring 2
This half term the children have been really enthusiastic about their learning. They have loved researching all about the Stone Age and different type of rocks and have written incredible diaries as the Iron Man. Well done Year 3!
See the planning web below for more details about what we are learning this half term.
Times Table Rock Stars - Children should be using TTRS for 3-5 minutes each day at home, as research has shown that little and often is more effective than a longer session a few times a week. Times table tests take place on Mondays.
P.E. is on Mondays - please make sure your child has their white P.E t-shirt, shorts and black pumps for this. Earrings aren't to be worn for PE.
Homework is sent out on a Friday and is due back the following Thursday. It will alternate between a MyMaths task and a reading comprehension exercise.
Spellings are sent out on a Friday and will be tested on the following Friday. Please use the spelling books provided. Children can also try PurpleMash quizzes online if they want extra practice.
Children need to have their reading bags in school everyday.
Thank you all for your continued support each day!
If there is anything that you would like to ask or any concerns you may have, please feel free to see Mrs Sworeń after school.