Welcome to Nursery!
Mrs Thomas, Mrs English and Miss Lawson welcome you to our Nursery!
Sessions run 0900-1200 Monday to Friday.
In order for your child to access Nursery best, please send them in clothes that you are happy for them to get dirty or paint on. We ask that you provide a full change of clothes, in a named bag to keep on their peg. Please also send wellies and a water bottle to be kept in Nursery. We will wash their water bottles and refill them daily.
On a Friday we have a PE lesson. Please ensure your child has sensible shoes on i.e. trainers and is not in a dress or skirt without leggings on underneath.
We are also very lucky to have Yoga each Tuesday. Miss Tracey, the yoga teacher, is very experienced with little children and tells stories to aid the stretches and movement. The children very much look forward to yoga each week!
Please use the links below to look through our class page.
If you have any questions or queries don't hesitate to contact us on 01772 258476 or