Year 3
Welcome To Year 3!
Our class Teacher is Miss Lippitt
Our wonderful Teaching Assistants are Mrs Burgeen and Mrs Hewitson
We are all extraordinarily impressed by the attitude of our Year 3 class so far and they are making great progress! Please keep checking our pages regularly to see what we have been getting up to, as we would like share our exciting learning journey with you! You will also find links to some useful websites and games at the bottom of this page that will really help your child!
Useful Information
English, Maths and Times Tables are taught daily.
Banded books will be changed as and when required, these books will be at the level your child is reading at. You can help your child by reading with them daily and asking them about what is happening in the book - pleasure ensure this is signed and returned to school.
Please practice times tables and mental calculations at home with your child, this will help them as your child progresses in their mathematical learning. Look on the maths link below to find some very useful links. We aim to know all of our tables in Year 3 ahead of a times table test in Year 4. A times table will be focused on weekly and will be tested on Friday.
This year the children will have their own targets in their books and we will be helping our children work towards and through their targets in Reading, Writing and Mathematics.
Our PE day is Monday - please make sure your child has their white P.E t-shirt, shorts and black pumps for this.
Golden time is on a Friday afternoon.
Homework will be sent out on a Friday and is due back the following Thursday.
Spellings will be sent out on a Friday and will be tested on the following Friday.
Children need to have their reading bags in school everyday.
Thank you all for your continued support each day!
If there is anything that you would like to ask or any concerns you may have, please feel free to see Miss Lippitt after school.