Welcome to the PTFA section of our website!
English Martyrs' Catholic Primary School is lucky to have a very supportive PTFA. Mrs DeCarteret Mrs Hewitson and Mrs Galka are the staff representatives who help organise meetings and host events through school. They do this with the invaluable help of many parents who regularly attend meetings, share ideas, offer support and give their own time to help.
We try to hold a big fundraising event each term. Over the last few years we have held a very successful Present Room where children donate presents which the PTFA and staff in school wrap and children then choose a present to buy for their mums, dads, aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandads, brothers or sisters, even cousins! We also have our annual Easter Bingo, discos and of course our annual Summer Fayre which always attracts a large crowd and is a great fundraiser whilst also being a great day out!
The money the PTFA raise goes towards numerous 'extras' in school. We use it to:
Subsidise educational visits
Pay for visitors in school such as visiting theatre groups, poets, Zoolab and Scientists, to buy flowers and plants for our grounds, Holy Communion gifts, Year 6 Residential and
Leavers' gifts to name but a few.
It is a very worthwhile cause and without it we wouldn't be able to have nearly as many 'extras' in school.
If you would like to become involved in our PTFA please have a chat with one of the staff on the playground or call into the school office. We have meetings each term, you would always be most welcome!