Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
Welcome to the Year 4 Class page. The Year 4 Team consists of: -
- Mrs Ridings the class teacher;
- Miss Ironfield ~ Class TA
- Mrs Kenny ~ Class TA
- Miss Gillett ~ Class TA (mornings)
We are so excited to work with you and your children this year and have lots of amazing things planned!
- Times Tables ~ Year 4 will be sitting a statutory Times Table screening test in June 2025, where they will be tested on all of their times tables through a mixture of 25 questions and will have 6 seconds to answer each of them. They are expected to practice their tables at home. Times Tables (up to x12) needs to be practised daily (5-10 minutes). (all children have a log in for TTRS and games will also be set on Purple Mash).
- Spellings ~ will be set weekly and will be tested teach Friday.
- PE ~ Please make sure that your child has a full labelled PE kit (T shirt, shorts and black pumps/trainers) in school that fits them.
- Uniform ~ Please make sure that all school uniform is clearly labelled with your child's name.
- Books ~ We change books on a Tuesday and a Friday to allow children three full days to read their book carefully. At this stage, they still need to read every day with an adult.
- First read is to practise their phonics/spellings to read. Please look out for the phonic/spelling patterns in the book that the children have been practising.
- Second read is for the meaning of the words. Please make sure that your child understands why they are reading and if not, please discuss/look up the meaning of the word in a dictionary or online. In school we use the on-line Cambridge Dictionary which provides a very clear and simple explanation of the word.
- Third read is for the understanding of the book as a whole. Please discuss the story/characters/layout of the book with your child and ask them questions to help deepen their understanding. We will stick some questions into the books to help you discuss the book with your child.
- Homework ~ Homework for the Autumn Term will be one task selected on the Homework Web per week (see folder below) PLUS phonics/spellings/grammar/times tables set on Purple Mash and weekly work linked to our maths topic on MyMaths.
Homework will be sent out each Friday with your child to be returned on the following Thursday.
**Please make sure you read every night and complete your homework every week - it is really important that you practise the skills we teach in school at home and homework is always based on the skills you will need for the SATS or what we have been learning in class that week.**
Our class email address is:
Please use this if you have any queries or you can see me at the beginning of the school day or call the office to make an appointment to speak to me.
If you need login details for Purple Mash/MyMaths/TTRS, please let us know.
Thank you and we look forward to working with you!
The Year 4 Team