Foundation Subjects at English Martyrs'
At English Martyrs' Catholic Primary School, we believe that the development of the whole child with a broad curriculum is important. We place importance in our children experiencing learning in exciting ways, sometimes these will link to other areas of the curriculum such as English, Maths as well as linking Art and DT activities to History and Geography topics where it is appropriate. We believe that through teaching key skills and objectives through the National Curriculum 2014 in a variety of ways, our children will broaden their horizons and experiences and develop inquisitive minds with a thirst for learning and the world around them, encompassing skills and knowledge for life.
During the Covid-19 Pandemic we continue to offer a broad and balanced curriculum and facilitate this for children not in school through Blended Learning either online or paper based, ensuring all needs are met.
Please note that we are currently updating some of our Foundation Subjects, so some subject pages may contain more information than others.
If you have any questions, please come and chat with a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Thank you