Catholic Life at English Martyrs'
Religious Education
As a Catholic School, we promote and teach the doctrine and philosophy of the Catholic Church. This will include participating in class/whole school Prayer & Liturgy each day and also attending school Masses and Liturgies.
We follow the Religious Education Directory for the teaching and learning of curriculum RE. Planning and delivery of curriculum RE ensures that the Christian values show themselves not only in the R.E. lessons but at all times.
Parents who wish their children to be prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation follow a programme prepared by the parish.
Parents do have the right to withdraw their child from Prayer & Liturgy and Human Relationships and Sex Education (HRSE).
Human Relationships and Sex Education is integrated into the curriculum in such a way as to meet the needs of the children as they grow and develop. If children are to develop an appropriate attitude towards sex, sex education needs to be integrated into the rest of their learning. Our teachers are prepared and ready to answer specific questions which will arise from their work. Parents views will also be taken into account where possible if such a situation occurs.
RE at English Martyrs'
Mission Statement
Our children are all unique, beautiful individuals but together we are a masterpiece, brothers and sisters in Christ.
As witnesses of Christ, working together as a Team, we strive to promote the Gospel Values and Teachings of Jesus by providing a caring, stimulating environment, with nurture, trust, love and tolerance through our spirituality, learning and play. By making connections with Jesus, we promote high ambitions and confidence to achieve our goals.
Curriculum Intent for RE at English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary School
Within our curriculum, we ensure all children are prepared for life, with the skills they need to achieve, aspire and accomplish both academically and spiritually, regardless of their faith, creed or race; meeting every child’s potential and their needs. At English Martyrs’ this includes meeting the needs of a very mixed community representing a broad range of faiths, ethnicities, creeds and socio-economic circumstances: a significant proportion of children with high needs and are disadvantaged; children living in high social deprivation, asylum seekers, vulnerable children and families who seek security and safety in our school family.
Our intent is for learning without barriers so that all children can succeed.
Our Intent is to meet these needs by...
…having Christ at the centre of the English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary School family and all that we do.
…establishing close links between home, school and parish to provide the best for all the children.
…treating every individual child as a unique and valued member of God’s family, so that respect for each other is centred on the Gospel values of justice, tolerance, peace and forgiveness..
…providing a curriculum that is rich and broad, with high expectations and a culture of challenge for all
…providing a RE curriculum that is appropriate to the needs of all our children, from all ethnicities, backgrounds, faiths and home lives
…nurturing a sense of belonging by developing our responsibilities as citizens in the local, national and global community, especially within the Catholic tradition and the Liturgy of the Church
…by giving children opportunities to develop understanding and tolerance of all faiths, creeds and cultures including their own
…by developing positive links between all stakeholders including the wider community
…by working with parents in their role as first educators
…providing all children with a bespoke and tailored curriculum to meet their individual needs, including in Blended Learning.
…by growing in knowledge and understanding of Jesus’ life and teachings;
…gaining a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Catholic tradition and the liturgy of the Church;
…recognising and appreciate the spiritual and religious dimensions of life through feelings of awe, wonder, delight and joy;
…examining their own religious feelings, views and responses;
…using their own knowledge and understandings of the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ to follow his footsteps in their behaviour, work and play.
Click below for the latest half termly RE Newsleaflets
(If you wish to receive a paper copy, please contact the school office, there is no charge for this)
Our 2024 ~ 2025 Chaplaincy Team ~ supporting and helping others in their faith and spiritual journeys
English Martyrs' Catholic Primary School Section 48 Denomination Inspection ~ 4th March 2019
'English Martyrs’ is a good Catholic school, with many outstanding features. The dedication and drive of the headteacher, staff and governors leads to continuous improvement and good outcomes for all pupils.'