Year 4
Mrs Savery, Mrs Richmond & Mrs O'Doherty
welcome you to
Year 4!
This term, we welcome our student teacher, Miss Hays, who will be partly teaching Year 4 along side Mrs Savery. Miss Hays, who is part of the Catholic Teaching Alliance, is completing her final placement at English Martyrs' to become a fully qualified teacher.
Over the next full term, we will be preparing your child for Year 5, helping them to further develop their independence and learning.
Keep checking our page regularly for updates and pictures which can be accessed using the links below.
Useful Information
English, Maths and Times Tables are taught daily.
Banded books will be changed as and when required, these books will be at the level your child is reading at. You can help your child by reading with them and asking them about what is happening in the book - pleasure ensure this is signed and returned to school everyday.
Please practice times tables and mental calculations at home with your child, this will help them as your child progresses in their mathematical learning. Look on the maths link to find some very useful links. We aim to know all of our tables in Year 4.
This year the children will have their own targets in their books and we will be helping our children work towards and through their targets in Reading, Writing and Mathematics.
Our PE day is Monday - please make sure your child has their white P.E t-shirt, shorts and black pumps for this.
Golden time is on a Friday afternoon.
Homework will be sent out on a Friday and is due back the following Wednesday.
Spellings and Times Tables will be sent out on Friday and will be tested on the following Friday.
If there is anything that you would like to ask or any concerns you may have, please feel free to see Mrs Savery after school.
Long Term Plan
Click to see what your child will be learning in Year 4.
Autumn 1
Click to see the overview of what your child will be learning during this term.