Strategic Planning 2022 ~ 2025
Our Mission
Our children are all unique, beautiful individuals but together we are a masterpiece, brothers and sisters in Christ.
As witnesses of Christ, working together as a Team, we strive to promote the Gospel Values and Teachings of Jesus by providing a caring, stimulating environment, with nurture, trust, love and tolerance through our spirituality, learning and play. By making connections with Jesus, we promote high ambitions and confidence to achieve our goals.
Aims and Intent
Our identified priorities underpinning school improvement planning, supporting governors in their core duty of ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction, the above priorities will implement and drive:
- A continued, balanced focus upon achieving strong academic outcomes for all children, including more able as well as those with SEND and disadvantaged pupils
- Providing focused opportunities to enhance Cultural Capital for disadvantaged children and those with English as an additional language.
- Create bespoke opportunities for all children to collaborate and share meaningful experiences as part of an ongoing recovery curriculum that directly addresses the emotional and personal development needs of the whole school community as it aims to ameliorate the long-term impact of the Covid pandemic.
- To continue to go the extra mile to further develop the school's open culture supporting all elements of the diverse community it serves into school promoting collaboration and communication with each family
- To ensure that the promotion of staff well-being continues to be a distinct characteristic of life at English Martyrs', where work expectations are carefully balanced and staff are valued and flourish as a result of high-quality CPD.
- To develop staff expertise as curriculum leaders to embed expertise across all areas of the school's broad and balanced curriculum.
‘Championing ambition for all pupils’
Intent of our school ~ Key Priorities
After careful consideration of school and its specific needs, data analysis, national initiatives, OFSTED and the need to set a manageable number of development targets, which would be attainable within the resources and time available to school, the following were identified as priority development areas over the academic year 2022 to 2023 under the umbrella theme of
‘Championing ambition for all pupils’:
- To further develop ongoing recovery provision to address changes in pupils' early language and social, emotional and personal development needs. Quality of Education/Leadership & Management/ Behaviour and Attitudes/ Personal Development
- Continue to embed changes to the curriculum and ensure subject leaders develop effective systems of assessment for all foundation subjects. Quality of Education/ Leadership & Management
- Ensure that all staff are well trained and confident to teach the new phonics programme, ensuring that fidelity in delivery underpins an increase in the proportion of children who crack the phonics code. Quality of Education/ Leadership & Management
As part of our vision, we will be providing all our pupils with wider opportunities to develop, grow, learn and excel. Each year whilst a pupil at English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary School, they will experience new things, have new adventures and make new memories.
As well as their usual learning they will have opportunities to develop their…
Global awareness
Cultural awareness
Each time they experience these, they will log them in their Fabulous Four Passport.
By the time they leave English Martyrs’ in Year 6, they will have developed their knowledge & skill so that they have the best possible start to their future education and life journey.