Reception 2024-2025
Miss Walker, Mrs Holderness, Mrs Roach and Miss Lawson welcome you to Reception.
This is our class page where you will find links to different websites and information we would like to share with you. Please check the website regularly for updates.
Our school day begins at 9.00am and ends at 3.30pm.
Our classroom is set up into lots of different areas, Construction, Fine Motor, Creative, Role Play, Reading, Maths, Busy Fingers and Mark Making. The children are free flow all day choosing where they would like to play and learn.
The children also have access to outdoors all through the day. As we go out rain or shine, please make sure your child brings a coat into school every day.
Wellies can be brought in, named and left in school and possibly a spare change of clothes.
We have PE on Thursdays and Yoga on Wednesday with Miss Danielle, so please make sure your child's PE kit is in school at all times, with everything clearly labelled.
PE kits will be sent home every half term for washing.
Individual reading books are changed on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Please share these reading books with your child every night. By taking the time to read daily, your child's confidence will grow and hopefully they will develop a love for reading. You can also share other stories, menus, comics, signs to and from school with your children at home as well as the books that we send.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at