Summer 1 Week 2 27/04- 01/05
Home Learning Newsletter
- Read and Respond daily activities on Purple Mash. This week it is all about eggs! Read Year 3's weekly newsletter for instructions on how to find it. Any problems please email me.
- Week 2 Spellings on Purple Mash
- SPAG focus: Word families (Purple Mash)
Additional activities:
- If you have enjoyed The Settlers so far on PurpleMash, try out Chapter 4's quiz and activities.
Don't worry if you can't print the worksheets. Write your answers in the exercise book that's in your home learning pack.
If you can't access the computer to complete the task on Scratch or PowerPoint (see newsletter) you can draw and write a story in your exercise book.
Additional activities
There are some lovely weekly home learning activities on CAFOD. This week's focus is Laudato Si', food and sharing. Click the link to see lots of project ideas. There's even a colouring pack.
National Children's Gardening Week
See this week's Y3 newsletter for Science, Art and Design and Design Technology ideas.
Click the link below to find out more about National Children's Gardening Week. There are plenty of resources and ideas on their website.
BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons
A great website with activities for English, Maths and a foundation subject every weekday.
This week's timetable is available at
or daily on BBC Red Button from 9am to 11am, and again on BBC iPlayer.