Week Beginning 1st June 2020
Hello Again...
Welcome back after half-term. I hope you have had a wonderful week and enjoyed the glorious sunshine we have been having. Sadly school cannot open more widely just yet but it is best we all keep safe still. As lockdown is gently being lifted I wonder if any of you have been on adventures outdoors? Has anyone been for a walk in the woods, paddled in a river or built a sandcastle on the beach? I'd love to see what you have been up to -we are missing all your smiling faces! Don't forget to send me an email to EMNursery@englishmartyrs.lancs.sch.uk with photos too if you'd like, or if you have any questions or queries.
Stay safe,
Mrs Thomas
Can you draw some shapes? Could you use shapes to draw a picture? For example; a square house, with a triangle roof and a rectangle-shaped door.
When you are out on a walk do you see any shapes out and about?