Online Safety @English Martyrs'
Online Safety
Digital Technology is an ever evolving area and one we use daily in our learning, whether it is for supporting learning through activities, research, writing or making connections. We place keeping our children safe when online, both in school and at home and in the wider community, at the forefront of all we teach and do.
Our teaching and embedding of staying safe online (including with the use of Smart Phones, Tablets, Smart TVs), is continuous and ongoing and we teach it through many means:
Reminders on newsletters, in assemblies prior to holidays, through little chats and conversations. As well as timely reminders when children are using technology in school.
As a result of this, our children know what to do if they are unsure online or if something happens when online at home and they are confident in coming to speak with adults in school, secure in the knowledge that it will be dealt with accordingly, keeping the children's safety at the centre.
We are proactive in knowing what children need to help them be safe online and use Education for a Connected World as well as Project Evolve to assess and inform future teaching and learning, acting upon and developing children's areas of uncertainty when staying safe online.
English Martyrs' has an Online Safety Group which comprises of members of the STEAM Curriculum Team (including the Headteacher/DSL), Online Safety Governor and representatives from our Pupil Digital Leaders.
We review our Online Safety provision annually (or more frequently as required). We monitor provision using the SWGFL 360 Review tool acting on findings accordingly.