Year 2
Autumn Term 1 2021
Welcome back to School Year 2! We are very excited to have our new class and have been busy working over the summer to make the classroom beautiful and planning lots of exciting learning .
Information for Autumn Term
Mrs Ridings is the class teacher supported by the class Teaching Assistants, Miss Ironfield and Miss Lawson.
We are still ventilating classrooms so doors and windows will be OPEN!! Please make sure your child wears a vest on colder days and always has a jumper and coat with them.
Please make sure that your child has a full PE kit in school that fits them.
Please make sure that all school uniform is clearly labelled with your child's name.
Three reads for a Bead!
Books ~ We change books on a Tuesday and a Friday to allow children three full days to read their book carefully:
- First read is to practise their phonics to read.
- Second read is for the meaning of the words.
- Third read is for the understanding of the book as a whole.
Children get a bead on a necklace for each read they complete and they can take home their necklace at the end of the term and start a new one!
Homework will be set every Friday on Purple Mash and MyMaths to be handed in the following Thursday. Go to Purple Mash first and there will be a homework newsletter explaining the homework for that week. You can now type on the sheets in Purple Mash so you can complete the homework on screen. We will also be sending homework books home for children to use to copy down answers or complete their homework in, if you prefer not to complete it online.
Homework will be a homework web where you can pick and choose the homework for that week. Please complete one piece of homework from the Homework web together with the work set on MyMaths. Spellings based on phonics will also be sent home weekly.
**Please make sure you read every night and complete your homework every week - it is really important that you practise the skills we teach in school at home and homework is always based on the skills you will need for the SATS or what we have been learning in class that week.**
Our class email address is:
Please use this if you have any queries or of course you can call the office to make an appointment to speak to me.
If you need login details for MyMaths or Purple Mash, please let us know.
Thank you,
The Year 2 Team